Hope for the Future


It felt unattainable,

A distant dream.

A goal in mind, with no clue

How to get from A to B–

Much less from B to C.

I thought I’d be content with

Gaming and TV all summer–

But now it turns out

I want something

Much more

For myself.

I want to lose weight,

Learn and grow.

I want to get better,

Get older,

And find something to do

With my life.

I want to feel far better

Than I am now.

I want to swim every day,

I want to run,

I want to play.

I want to do something with my life.

For once, for once–

I know I’m going somewhere,

And it’s somewhere



Good Old Love


It’s hard. I can’t say

I enjoy it–

Waking up early

To make you breakfast.

Going to bed


So we can game.

I can’t say

I’m used to it–

The small fights,


I can’t say

I’m good at it–

Staying loyal,

Trying to impress.

I can’t say

I’m good at it,

But I still

Want to try.

I want to try.